Download these checklists, toolkits, workbooks, and how to guides to help you be a better tourism professional. Rely on our tools to help you with collaboration, strategic marketing plans, influencer marketing and more.

(Pardon our dust - new versions of our remaining resources will be released soon!)

Collaboration Toolkit

5 FREE resources to help you create stronger collaborations. Here’s what’s inside:

  1. “Stronger Together” Materials. The executive summary from our research study on operationalizing collaboration.
  2. “Rising Tide” Materials. The executive summary from our first research study on collaboration in the travel, tourism & hospitality industry.
  3. Collaboration Sweet Spot Filter. Designed to help create a process for evaluating collaborative opportunities, this tool incorporates a checklist of benefits and ingredients for success to assist in making informed decisions.
  4. Guide to Becoming a Better Collaborator. This guide will help you identify your personal collaborator type, your strengths, hurdles to watch out for and how to work with other types of collaborators.
  5. Collaboration Assessment. Assess your operationalization of collaboration within your organization and identify areas to improve.