2025 News from the ABA Marketplace in Philadelphia, with Nicole Mahoney
Episode 418
This is the first of a two-part series from the ABA Marketplace, in which we discuss how the industry is evolving, the biggest opportunities ahead, and strategies shaping travel’s future. In this episode, you’ll hear from five inspirational tourism leaders about topics including the rise of slow tourism and experiential travel.
In this episode, you’ll hear from these remarkable leaders:
- Sally Altman, Director Of Global Sales From Travel Advocates: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sally-altman/
- Mitch Bach, CEO of Trip School: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mitchellbach/
- Marlene Kay Smith, Sales Manager Of Traverse City Tourism: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlenekaysmith/
- Lew Myers, III, Director Of Policy, Research, And Impact At American Bus Association: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lew-myers-iii-38b605126/
- Joe Lannan, Executive Director Of Visit French Lick West Baden: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelannan/
Insights from ABA Marketplace in Philadelphia
Join us for some golden nuggets from the American Bus Association (ABA) Marketplace in Philadelphia. We’ll explore how the travel sector is evolving, uncover some significant opportunities on the horizon, and discuss strategies driving the future of travel.
Sally Altman, Director Of Global Sales From Travel Advocates
Sally highlights Travel Advocates’ ability to address last-minute hotel sourcing needs and discusses the value of networking and volunteering at shows like ABA for building relationships. She emphasizes listening to colleagues and clients and integrity as keys to her success. For her, it’s those long-term relationships, not just short-term transactions, that drive her career.
Mitch Bach, CEO of Trip School
I loved hearing Mitch Bach, CEO of Trip School and host of the Tourpreneur Travel Business Podcast, share his thoughts on the travel industry’s shift toward building communities and why success lies in building emotional connections with potential clients. He advises new professionals to network actively at events like ABA; his philosophy is to ‘smile and say hello to everybody’!
Marlene Kay Smith, Sales Manager Of Traverse City Tourism
Marlene shares her excitement for upcoming opportunities in 2025, like Traverse City’s international fireworks and its growing collaboration with local partners to attract visitors. She talks more about the trend for “slow tourism,” where travelers favor immersive experiences and connections with the environment. She fondly describes ABA Marketplace as a place to form deeper connections and foster valuable business relationships.
Lew Myers, Director Of Policy, Research, and Impact at American Bus Association
Lew and I discuss the importance of data-driven research and policy advocacy to support the bus and tourism sector. He discusses the foundation’s initiatives, such as scholarships, fundraising events, and research efforts, to strengthen the industry’s competitiveness against other travel modes, such as airlines and cruises. He describes ABA Marketplace as a vibrant, relationship-centered event akin to a family reunion.
Joe Lannan, Executive Director Of Visit French Lick West Baden
Joe focuses on his plans to strengthen local partnerships to improve visitor experiences at his destination. As a leader new to the travel and tourism sector, we discuss why he prioritizes empathy, data-driven decision-making, and collaboration as a leader. Joe appreciates ABA Marketplace as an invaluable platform for networking and gaining fresh perspectives.
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