Turning Challenges into Opportunities, with Elissa Leuer
In this episode, you’ll learn about the idea of competition being a great thing for everyone involved because visitors stay longer when there’s more for them to do from Elissa Leuer. As Livingston County’s Director of Tourism and Marketing, Elissa is responsible for the promotion of the county’s accommodations, attractions, restaurants, and events to those…
Providing a Family-First Experience, with Jessica Sloma
In this episode, you will learn how Greek Peak Mountain Resort prioritizes providing a great experience for families from Jessica Sloma. Jessica Sloma is Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Greek Peak Mountain Resort and she has been involved with the resort since 2008. When Jessica first came to Greek Peak, she was a…
Giving Your Customers the “A-ha” Moment, with Mark Hoffmann
In this episode, you will learn about how listening to your customers can open up many doors from Mark Hoffmann. Mark Hoffmann is president and founder of Sports Leisure Vacations, Sacramento’s largest and oldest packaged tour and travel company. There he orchestrates the company’s many facets of operation from escorted tours and travel agencies services…
Attracting Nearby Travelers to Your Destination, with Devon Perry
In this episode, you’ll learn about focusing your limited marketing dollars on the visitors who are closest to your destination from Devon Perry. Devon Perry joined Visit South Jersey as marketing director in 2015. In this role, she closely shadowed the executive director, and when the opportunity presented itself, she was well acquainted with the…
Driving Tourism is a Collaborative Effort, with Rachel Laber Pulvino
In this episode, you will learn about how everyone can chip in to drive visitors to a region and the economic impact that provides from Rachel Laber Pulvino. Rachel Laber Pulvino is a Rochester native who has the privilege of promoting her hometown on a daily basis as the Director of Public Relations and Communications…
How Social Enterprises Drive Change in Communities, with Mike Rea
In this episode, you will learn about social enterprises in the travel and tourism industry and how they can really drive social change and positively benefit communities from Mike Rea. Mike Rea is a social entrepreneur who has been committed to creating philanthropic value and impact for more than 15 years. Mike has been President…
Giving Your Destination a Sense of Place, with Kal Wysokowski
In this episode, you will learn about ways to grow economic development and give a destination a sense of place that thrills residents and visitors alike. Kal Wysokowski is president of the Canal Society of New York State, Commissioner for the New York State Canal Corporation, and Commissioner for the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor….
Be Strategic and Execute, with Morgan Painvin
In this episode, you will learn about the importance of having a strategy in everything you and your organization does. For Morgan Painvin, it’s all about hitting the bullseye of results. Her quiver of arrows is vast and varied from strategic partnerships and micro-niche placements to national features and creative ideas. The award-winning campaigns that…
Five Major Trends for the Travel and Tourism Industry in 2018, with Nicole Mahoney
In this episode, you will learn about five of the biggest travel trends to pay attention to in 2018. Nicole Mahoney started Break the Ice Media in 2009 in response to the evolving needs of small to medium-sized businesses, in particular, the rise of social media. Break the Ice Media is a boutique marketing and…
How Attractions Can Shape A Destination, with Hillarie Logan-Dechene
In this episode, you will learn about making the most of your resources and entering into collaborations to create a lasting impression on visitors from Hillarie Logan-Dechene. Hillarie Logan-Dechene’s career has been about building the capacity of not-for-profit organizations. As the Wild Center’s Director of Philanthropy, she is responsible for all membership and development activities…