Top 6 Traits that Successful PR Pros Need

PR professionals are a special kind of people – it’s okay, I can say it because I’m one of them. Some outsiders may call us geniuses while others may call us plain crazy. But there are certain traits that PR professionals need in order to be successful.

  • Passion: Passion is contagious, recognizable and a necessary part of promotion. When others see how invested and enthusiastic you are, it’s easy for them to get just as excited about what you’re promoting. By being passionate about what your clients are doing, you’ll find a way to easily make it a part of your conversations.Top 6 - 1
  • Persuasion: PR pros need to be able to get to the heart of a story and express it in a way that is interesting and influential enough to get others to take a specific action. Think pitches. We need to be both passionate and persuasive to convince media to cover our story. Working in the world of tourism marketing, we persuade travelers to visit our destination over the millions of other destinations out there that are also screaming for their attention.
  • Honesty: Being open and honest with your clients is key. If you run into an issue, or don’t feel you are the right fit for the project (or them), it’s better to be upfront immediately, than to produce less-than-par results.Top 6 - 2
  • Drive: PR pros should have the desire and drive to never settle. They should always want to take their clients to the next level and produce better results. Similarly, the world of marketing and PR is constantly evolving, so PR pros should have the drive to continuously grow as a professional.
  • Love for Organized Chaos: Let’s be real for a second, PR can be a zoo. Sometimes the things you least expect go viral, and you have to adjust quickly and skillfully. You need to be able to juggle multiple projects at once, from crisis communications to pitching to the media. You never really know what’s going to happen in the office on any given day; you just have to be flexible and think quickly on your feet.
  • Make it Count: Your latest work should always be your best work. Your last Facebook post should be just as thought-out and strategic as your newest press release.

There are many great qualities that make a PR pro successful. What traits top your list?

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Colleen Onuffer

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