TikTok for Tourism Marketing

Over the last few years, TikTok has quickly risen the ranks and become one of the most widely used social platforms. DMOs and attractions can…

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10 Beginner Social Media Marketing Tips

Social media is an ever-changing medium – with new platforms and updates rolling out constantly. But it’s also a great way to connect with your…

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Identifying Local Influencers

In the age of influencers, it can be hard for destinations and attractions to figure out how to capitalize on this trend. Local influencers are…

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The Difference Among Travel Media

You’re probably familiar with how the travel media landscape has changed over the past few years – smaller travel sections (or staff) in print publications,…

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Writing Digital Content: Email, Social & Web

A majority of the writing we do for our clients takes shape in the digital realm. From social media and email newsletters to website pages…

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Facebook and Tourism Marketing: Best Practices

Social media is a standard marketing practice now, and holds several powerful platforms for tourism marketers. Taking on social media can be challenging, especially with…

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How to use Facebook Ads for Tourism

Facebook advertising is one of the most affordable digital ad channels around. It’s also where a majority of people are spending their time. With 2.4…

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Measuring Marketing Campaigns

The basis of every successful campaign comes down to measurement. Identifying whether you met your goals and having the ability to course-correct or change your…

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Aligning Your Marketing Around the Customer Journey

Every customer goes on a journey when making a purchasing decision – whether buying a car, selecting a cleaning service or choosing a family vacation…

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