AUTHOR: Rhonda Carges

Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach

What goes into making a location attractive as a tourist destination? Geographic locations are inviting to visitors for a multitude of reasons. However, one thing…

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Travel and Tourism Terms, Acronyms & Abbreviations

Every industry has its language; can you talk tourism? We abbreviate words or phrases to save time, effort or space. This is great, but if…

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Diversity in Tourism: Diversity = Everybody

Everybody is a tourist at some point in their lives. Everybody likes to take a vacation. Everybody dreams of getting away from the day to…

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The Importance of Core Values

Living in today’s world has been an experience unlike any we have been through before. So much of what we knew to be true, expected…

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Frugality is the Mother of Creativity

Having money isn’t the only tool needed to promote a destination… Where are your marketing dollars coming from right now? Where will they come from…

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Why Work with and How to Choose a Marketing Agency

In the busy world we live in, everyone’s time is limited. We all must decide and prioritize what the best use of the precious hours…

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The Benefits of International Online Booking Agents

In today’s competitive travel market, there is much talk about the benefit of engaging with the international visitor.  While the domestic traveler is important and…

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Travel Trade Shows for Travel Trade Professionals

There are several trade shows for travel trade professionals available within the industry… They vary in location, size, and format. Here are a few of the top shows that should be considered for travel trade sales.

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Using Front Line Staff as Brand Ambassadors

One main challenge every destination faces, regardless of size, is how to get the most return on investment from their marketing dollars.  When a DMO…

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The Economic Impact of Tourism: A Multiplying Effect

What is the economic impact of tourism? Do you spend money when you’re on vacation? More money than you do in your work-a-day life? You…

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