AUTHOR: Sarah Martin

Storytelling Content is Key in Tourism Marketing

Visitors guides are moving more and more into the digital realm. Especially following 2020, many DMOs have moved to digital-only or a mix of printed…

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Proactive vs. Reactive PR: Why Both are Essential to Your Public Relations Strategy

A good public relations strategy brings a mix of many different tactics to the table – pitching, active outreach, hosting media and FAMs, attendance at media shows, desksides, and more.

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Top Travel Campaigns of 2020: Tourism Marketers Get Creative in the Face of Adversity

There is no question in anyone’s mind – this was a tough year for tourism marketers. With travel largely shuttered in the face of the…

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Measuring Marketing Campaigns

The basis of every successful campaign comes down to measurement. Identifying whether you met your goals and having the ability to course-correct or change your…

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6 Strategies to Prepare for Tourism Recovery

From our April 2020 Destination on the Left Virtual Summit Our second-ever Destination on the Left Virtual Summit kicked off in April 2020 with 12…

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How to Work with an Agency: 5 Key Conversations

It’s often the perception that once the contract is signed, the client’s job is over, and the agency’s job begins. But clients should be asking at least five things from their agency partners … Make sure to have these 5 key conversations as you begin to work with an agency.

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The 5 Top Tourism Campaigns of 2019

It’s our favorite time of year here at Break the Ice Media – a time when we get to reflect on the projects we have…

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5 Ways to Strengthen Your Tourism PR for Canadian Media & Beyond

The Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) Annual Conference .. included learnings that can be applied to just about anything we do in the tourism industry, whether you’re working with Canadian media or something else.

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3 Ways to Reach the Canadian Market with Travel PR

Canada and Canadian travelers are on our minds a lot at Break the Ice Media. Through our Canadian Co-op PR program, and previously through Cross…

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2018’s Best Tourism Campaigns: Our Five Favorites

As we reach the end of another great year and start to plan for campaigns to come, our team likes to draw inspiration from those…

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