The Benefits of International Online Booking Agents

In today’s competitive travel market, there is much talk about the benefit of engaging with the international visitor.  While the domestic traveler is important and…

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Museums’ Approach to Tourism

Each of these museums has found a remarkable and stand-out way to promote inclusivity, attract diverse new audiences, and further integrate their work with other tourism and cultural efforts of their communities.

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Travel Trade Shows for Travel Trade Professionals

There are several trade shows for travel trade professionals available within the industry… They vary in location, size, and format. Here are a few of the top shows that should be considered for travel trade sales.

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5 Ways to Strengthen Your Tourism PR for Canadian Media & Beyond

The Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) Annual Conference .. included learnings that can be applied to just about anything we do in the tourism industry, whether you’re working with Canadian media or something else.

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How to Create Raving Fans

In today’s world, it can seem like everything in marketing and sales has changed. But the one thing that hasn’t changed is the value of raving fans.

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3 Ways to Reach the Canadian Market with Travel PR

Canada and Canadian travelers are on our minds a lot at Break the Ice Media. Through our Canadian Co-op PR program, and previously through Cross…

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Photos, Food & Formulas: Destination Marketing to Millennials

In 2017, Break the Ice Media attended the Empire State Tourism Conference in Lake Placid. This information-packed conference was the perfect place to pick up…

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Marketing Tactics for Small Budgets and Big Reach

When it comes to destination marketing, most tourism organizations are working with limited budgets, small staff size and big goals. In order to reach, engage…

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Using Front Line Staff as Brand Ambassadors

One main challenge every destination faces, regardless of size, is how to get the most return on investment from their marketing dollars.  When a DMO…

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How the Tourism Industry Can Connect with the Hygge-Inspired Traveler

Over the last few years, it seems that every industry – from design and travel to fashion and food – has enthusiastically jumped on the…

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