AUTHOR: Camille Zess

Gamification to Drive Engagement: More than One Way to Create Fun

When it comes to driving engagement, gamification is one of the top strategies to make it happen. We love working on projects or with clients…

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Building an Effective Tourism Marketing Team

When it comes to effective marketing, the people on your team and the makeup of the team are a key component of how well everything…

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The Art of Strategic Positioning for Attracting More Visitors

I often hear people talk about writing with the premise that you start by “staring at a blank screen,” but a blank screen is rarely…

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How to Use AI For Tourism Marketing

Artificial Intelligence is a top trend in every space right now. It is transcending digital and becoming part of the conversation for just about everything…

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Applying the Science of Behavior Change to Tourism Marketing

Through our work on a marketing campaign to create behavior change and promote sustainability, we started with research to understand the best way to inspire…

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Marketing and PR Strategy with the PESO Model

Strategy is always a big topic of conversation when it comes to tourism marketing. We’ve been responding to more and more requests for strategy, and…

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Tracking Digital Tourism Marketing Efforts

Measurement is the foundation of a strong digital campaign. It’s what lets us know when we’re successful, and when we need to make adjustments. Without…

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Destination Marketing and Community Partnerships

Destination marketing has evolved to become more than heads in beds with a stronger focus on engaging the community at large. Modern destination marketers are…

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10 Beginner Social Media Marketing Tips

Social media is an ever-changing medium – with new platforms and updates rolling out constantly. But it’s also a great way to connect with your…

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How to Leverage Local in Your Tourism Marketing

Visiting friends and family is an often overlooked travel motivation for incoming visitors when it comes to tourism marketing. It was one of the top…

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