Inspirational ideas and insights

Stay two steps ahead with insights from our tourism marketing expertise. Our knowledge comes from our work first-hand in tourism campaigns, talking with industry professionals on our podcast, attending industry events and staying current on travel trends and research.

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Building an Effective Tourism Marketing Team

When it comes to effective marketing, the people on your team and the makeup of the team are a key component of how well everything works. Hiring marketing positions in-house…
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Wellness Travel: The Transformative Trend Redefining Tourism

Wellness travel is no longer just a buzzword – it’s a movement. Travelers today aren’t content with vacations that leave them feeling like they need a vacation. Instead, they are…
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Travel Trends from NTA Travel Exchange 2024: Embracing Change and Innovation

The 2024 NTA Travel Exchange brought together industry professionals, thought leaders, and travel enthusiasts to discuss the future of tourism and reflect on the challenges and opportunities that define our…
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More Great Inspiration

Prepare for Reopening Now with these Recovery Marketing Tactics

I want to share tactical actions that you can take right now. These recovery marketing tactics can be incorporated into your overall recovery plan. My…

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Tourism Recovery Planning: How to get started

The signs of recovery are starting to bubble up. Which means that for tourism businesses and organizations, it’s time to start recovery planning. It’s time…

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Strategic Planning for Recovery

Author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek said it best, “These are not unprecedented times. There are many cases where change or something unexpected has put…

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6 Strategies to Prepare for Tourism Recovery

From our April 2020 Destination on the Left Virtual Summit Our second-ever Destination on the Left Virtual Summit kicked off in April 2020 with 12…

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The Rise of Heritage Travel: A new way for tourists to find themselves

People often say they are traveling to “find themselves.” With the increasing popularity of at-home DNA kits, people are starting to take this literally. Luxury…

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Why Agencies Collaborate: Borrowing from the Tourism Marketing Playbook

When solutions to our clients’ business issues require disciplines outside of our expertise, we borrow from the tourism marketing playbook and look for ways to collaborate with other agencies to deliver better results.

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How to Work with an Agency: 5 Key Conversations

It’s often the perception that once the contract is signed, the client’s job is over, and the agency’s job begins. But clients should be asking at least five things from their agency partners … Make sure to have these 5 key conversations as you begin to work with an agency.

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Why Work with and How to Choose a Marketing Agency

In the busy world we live in, everyone’s time is limited. We all must decide and prioritize what the best use of the precious hours…

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Proving Relevancy and ROI: Key Takeaways from the first Destination on the Left Virtual Summit

At Break the Ice Media we are committed to ongoing professional development of our team within tourism marketing. Each year, we invest more than 450…

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The 5 Top Tourism Campaigns of 2019

It’s our favorite time of year here at Break the Ice Media – a time when we get to reflect on the projects we have…

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