Inspirational ideas and insights

Stay two steps ahead with insights from our tourism marketing expertise. Our knowledge comes from our work first-hand in tourism campaigns, talking with industry professionals on our podcast, attending industry events and staying current on travel trends and research.

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Attracting Canadian Travelers: How U.S. Tourism Partners Can Build Bridges Despite Policy Challenges

Living in Rochester, NY, I’m always struck by how close Canada feels. It’s quicker for me to drive to Toronto than it is to reach New York City—it’s easier to…
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Advantages of Niche Market Tourism

What is Niche Tourism? Niche market tourism uses programs to attract visitors focusing on a very specific market segment built around a well-defined product. We’ve said it before, tourists are…
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Gamification to Drive Engagement: More than One Way to Create Fun

When it comes to driving engagement, gamification is one of the top strategies to make it happen. We love working on projects or with clients that include an element of…
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More Great Inspiration

Travel Marketing Tips from a Tourist’s Perspective

Recently, I had the chance to spend two weeks in the Mediterranean – visiting Venice, Italy, three Greek Islands, Montenegro, and Croatia. As any true…

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When to Add A New Social Media Channel

How do you know when it’s time to add a new social media channel? In previous posts, we talked about Instagram, hashtags, and how to know…

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Social Media Strategy Building Blocks

Social media strategy building blocks are basic elements of the strategy that set the stage for success. Casa Larga Vineyards is an award-winning winery in…

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Relationship-Building through eNewsletters

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.—Theodore Roosevelt When new accommodations and attractions signaled…

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Podcasts: A Powerful Tool

  In Oct. 2016, we launched “Destination on the Left,” a podcast focused on destination marketing that explores successful collaborations, creative marketing ideas and best…

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Writing for Business

I would say about 90% of my job involves writing. Writing for press releases and pitches, to blogs and social media posts, and even copy…

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Stewardship in Business

Stewardship means different things to different people. It’s a word I have been thinking about a lot lately. “A leader is performing the act of…

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Destination: Insta-Sensation!

  Think your destination doesn’t need to be on Instagram? Think again. Twitter and Facebook can be hard enough to keep up with, let alone trying…

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Top 6 Traits that Successful PR Pros Need

PR professionals are a special kind of people – it’s okay, I can say it because I’m one of them. Some outsiders may call us…

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#TrendingNow: Hashtags and the Tourism Industry

As someone who spends a lot of time on social media, I think it’s about time we talk about travel hashtags. Hashtags – known as…

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